Imperial Death Trooper

Because I haven’t seen Star Wars: Rogue One yet, well, nobody has who isn’t involved in the making of it, I can’t speak to what an Imperial Death Trooper does or might be, but I think the name gives us a clue that this is one bad dude.  I just built the Lego action figure version of him, and I have to say, way cool accessory studded cape and nice side arm plus massive spring loaded weaponry.

For anyone familiar with the building of the other Star Wars action figures released previously, this won’t hold any big surprises but it is still a satisfying experience that results in a highly usable action figure.

While the action figures of my youth were generally quite small and not able to stand up by themselves or endure much action, make no mistake about this Lego version being anything of that sort.  Rather, it is completely sturdy and ready for hours of imaginative re-creations of battles and scenes or if you choose, create your own scenes where you decide what an Imperial Death Trooper does, well besides bring death and destruction to enemies, real or perceived, of the Empire I suppose.

Imperial Death Trooper Box Front

Imperial Death Trooper Box Front

This Imperial Death Trooper action figure comes completely ready for whatever adventures you have planned for him.  He comes complete with a truly massive spring-loaded rifle blaster, that you get to build using Technic type parts, with extra ammunition conveniently loaded on the side.  In addition, the Imperial Death Trooper comes equipped with a smaller side arm for up close and personal battle.  The torso plate is distinctively printed and there is a special plastic cape that includes some special insignia that you clip on during the build, a feature I have not seen on any other buildable action figure thus far.

The Imperial Death Trooper action figure, like all the buildable action figures in this series, is quite sturdy, stands independently, and the limbs are completely posable on sturdy joint structures that don’t come apart easily, no matter how tough the action.

Imperial Death Trooper Box Rear

Imperial Death Trooper Box Rear

Even if you are not a huge fan of role play and movie re-enactments, like me, the Imperial Death Trooper action figure makes an excellent stand-alone decoration and conversation piece for any fan of the Star Wars franchise.

At $24.99 this Imperial Death Trooper action figure is very reasonably priced even though he is among the higher priced of the action figures released in this series.  Per piece pricing is about $0.24 which is quite reasonable when compared to other action figure kits, although it is considerably more per piece than other building kits. However, these action figure kits rely heavily on very unique pieces, which require unique molds, many of which are quite large as well, so I think the pricing is very fair indeed.  Also consider that the Imperial Death Trooper action figure features multiple weapons so he does feature some special pieces that make a slightly higher price very fair and in line on a per piece basis with the other action figures in this series.

Imperial Death Trooper

Imperial Death Trooper

Whatever your Lego passions may be, I wish everyone a great build today.